I have my own opinion about my blog and my writing, but now I want yours.
I want to know what you think because you are the one reading Yellow Inspiration. This is your opportunity to put in your two cents.
There is a survey on the bottom of this blog, please take it, don’t be shy. And don’t worry about hurting my feelings. I won’t take it personally.
I have asked some friends what they think of Yellow Inspiration and they have been very kind with their words. I am so glad that they like to read my blog, but I wonder if they are being totally honest. Sometimes it’s not the entire truth we offer, because we are afraid to hurt someone’s feelings.
No need to worry. I completely beleive that constructive criticism is the best mirror we have, the best gauge of ourselves. Those people that truly care about us will tell us what they see. Not what they think we want to hear.
So go ahead; say what you think, and then some. And add in what you are interested in reading about. (Just don’t get on me too badly about my typos ;) I know they are there and I try to get them all, but sometimes, late at night, when the Internet is slow and I am ready for bed, I miss them. Working on it..;)
Please let me know how often you read, why you read, and what makes you come back. This will help me a lot. This is my first blog and frankly I didn’t know how I should start it, so I just jumped in. I am excited by it so far, but I always feel like I can improve, so let me know what you think!
I will be traveling this weekend and may not get to post a blog every day…so I am counting on you to do this survey in the mean time. When I get back I can read it, and respond to it on Monday . J
If you have anything additional to add, please send it to me at: AmberInspiration@Gmail.com
thank you
thank you