Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Y.I. Wednesday: Why I Chose GRACE for 2011

With the New Year approaching, it's time to start thinking about resolutions.

Since I decided to completely do away with the traditional form of resolution making last year and instead, 
adopted the  

It's almost time for me to decide which word
I will be focusing on in the year 2012....

See How I'm Doing:

Let me know if you do New Year's Resolutions and what they are...
Maybe you'd like to pick One Word with me!

'Grace fills empty spaces, but it can only enter where there is a void to receive it, and it is grace itself which makes this void.'
~ Simone Weil


  1. I do a resolution a month. One resolution is too much for a whole year. In January it might be to organize my Christmas stuff before it gets put away, the next month may be to clean out all the closets. In August it is usually to remember school is starting soon.... My resolution can be set for what fits that month in my life at that time.

  2. That's a really terrific idea, Sherry! Thanks for sharing it :)
