Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Y.I. Wednesday: Make Lists

Y.I. Make Lists:

Because it:

  • Helps me to see my goals
  • Helps me feel accomplished as I check them off
  • Helps me stay organized
  • Helps me manage my time
  • Helps me prioritize
  • Helps me delegate
  • Helps hold me accountable
  • Helps me stay focused
If you like to make lists and keep hard copies:
Use a simple notebook (and no not the 'computer' notebook- the old fashioned one which has paper in it and you must turn the pages to get more clear space). Perks: space is unlimited and you have them there to see no matter where you are, batteries not required!

If you have the iPhone check out these 25 To-Do List Apps.

If you like making lists that are on the computer, online and can sync with your email:
Check out these 3 Simple Apps (read the comments at the bottom of the article as well because readers offer their own suggestions as well).

Thanks for the Advice: 
As someone once told me, 'do not use sticky notes for lists' as they are too small. 
She was so right and I am much happier when I don't use them! :)

Do you make lists? Why or Why Not?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Putting Others Down to Pick Ourselves Up

I have related this action to bullying in the past.

Those who push others around, talk behind their backs and belittle others, whether it is blatant or somewhat sly...are indeed very insecure.

They do what the title of this blog says, they put others down to pick themselves up.

We have probably all done it once or twice in our lifetime. Though most of us outgrow it as we mature.
But there are some who never outgrow it and it is funny to watch those people spend more time putting their energy and time into knowing so much about someones business, just so they can find a reason to put them down.

Those people seriously need to focus on their own lives and getting (and keeping) their own affairs in order.

I find this quote quite relevant: Those in glass houses should not throw stones.

If this is happening to you:
'Be flattered that someone admires you so much, to spend all their precious time on you!'

Then, ignore them! 

Like I always tell my three children, 'Worry about yourself'. That's what these folks should be doing.

Don't ever allow someones comments dictate what you do, feel or think. You are your own person and you live your life according to what works for you. You make your own choices and decisions because you can, and should.

What do do if you find yourself putting others down
How to deal with  those people who put you down
What if you are the one putting yourself down?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving: It's Not Just About The Turkey

We were taught in school that Thanksgiving was about Pilgrims, Indians and Turkey.

(I suppose if you are a vegan, it would never be about the turkey, but would be more about the other yummy things to eat!) 

But anyhow...

Thanksgiving is still about these things, and it always will be, but it's also about something else....
Split the word Thanksgiving into two words:
Thanks   &   Giving
No Turkeys, Pilgrims, or Indians here...

Read this article on what you can do this Thanks-Giving to take the Turkey out of it and
create an opportunity for some personal growth.

(If you really want to take the Turkey out of you Thanksgiving literally, and want to learn more about 
Vegan Thanksgiving Recipes click HERE.)


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Y.I. Wednesday: Bake Cookies Once a Week!!!

Y.I. bake cookies for my kids once a week when they get home from school... because I want them to have what I didn't. Because once a week I really want to be like June Cleaver. But, also, because once a week I want to break my own rules and give them an unhealthy snack and because they are my favorite cookies in the whole world, and I want to be a kid, at least once a week! :)

What do you do? 
Share your Y.I.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Watch This Video of A Favorite Song, Done by Connie Talbot

This video made me smile.
I love the song Imagine,
it is one of my all time favorites
  and it was done so very well by this young lady who stole
Simon Cowell's heart on Britan's Got Talent.

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Funny Look at Procrastination

There's things that come up in life we just don't like doing....
Either because they aren't fun or they're not our favorite things to do.

Regardless of the reason...
We might end up procrastinating.

This Fun Friday, 
I want to share this comic
I found on Stumble last night....

If you frequently find yourself reaching #6,
don't worry,
you're not alone...

Although you're probably experiencing a shortage of clean underwear more often than you'd like...
and a number of other frustrating and inconvenient moments...

T\hey say 'when the pain is great enough, we will change'...

Gooooood Luck!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Y.I. Wednesday: Recovering Speeder

My local friends drive these magnificent Dodges... I wish mine had lights and sirens.

Y.I. abide by the speed limit.... 
Because now my foot automatically knows it, 
after my butt got enough tickets. 

I have now become the little old lady driving down the road that other people honk their horns at, and pass furiously while giving me the finger.

But I keep chugging...slowly...because....

The way I look at it is this: THEY won't be paying my ticket if I get one. And, if I lose my license, (yes, I was that bad), they will not be the ones bringing my kids to after-school activities...and neither will I.

So, it's better to do the speed limit.

And it has actually changed my driving experience tremendously.

I am more aware. I enjoy the ride and the scenery (a little eyeroll here). 

But seriously, I am definitely more cautious and safe.

I have now become the one to waves at speeding-drivers, while using my hand gestures!

(I think I'm just jealous.)

What do you do....and why???

Monday, November 7, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness in Court

This week, as I sat in my local court room lobby waiting my turn to see the prosecutor for an unjustly served parking ticket, I wondered if the ticket I received would be dropped. And as I did, a stranger sat down next to me.

She began chatting almost immediately, and when somebody does that, it could be good or bad and frankly it makes me nervous. I'm social, but I just didn't feel like talking to anyone, and wasn't looking to make any new friends...I just wasn't in the mood.

But she kept talking, and I couldn't help but wonder what type of conversation it would turn out to be.  She seemed nice and after I got done listening to her'ticket-story, I realized my $76.00 (yes..seventy-six dollars) parking ticket was not nearly as bad as her $246.00 bond (and counting, plus other violations for no front plate).

I suppose that I could have easily considered that moment The Gift...and of course it was, to a point....

I'd already been sitting there for more than an hour, it was not even close to being my turn,  and if the ticket didn't get thrown out I'd be rubbing nickels together to pay for it! And now I was surely going to be very late for work. To top it off, I'd not gotten much sleep the evening before and  had a very bad night, plus a very long day ahead of me. I wasn't feeling so good, but i suppose I was a little relieved my ordeal was just a parking ticket, opposed to being arrested, like my new found acquaintance.

So, as she continued to discuss why she was sitting in court, she said something hysterical and it made me just start laughing out loud! I am hard pressed to find things that are so funny I burst out laughing like that in public...but she'd made it happen, and it was GREAT! I needed that:)


I didn't know her, and she could have kept to herself in her own misery (like I was)...but she didn't. She smiled, said hello, shared her funny and grueling story... and made me laugh.

A stranger gave me the brightest spot in my whole day.

And I am grateful.

You just never know when you, or someone sitting next to you, has something like that to share. I didn't even get her name...

Oh yeah! I almost forgot! I got another gift. But this one was from the magistrate...

'Parking Ticket Dismissed'

:) O' Happy Day!

She wished me luck...and I hope she was as happy and as lucky as I was when I left.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Give Yourself a Lift

'When it comes to staying young, a mind-lift beats a face-lift anyday' ~ Marty Bucella

Truly, Amber

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Y.I. Wednesday... Why do You?

Yellow Inspiration was born out of a need and a dream.
The need to write daily and the  dream of supporting others emotionally.

3 times a week for 12 months I shared something that inspired me and some things that hopefully 
would inspire you, and I benefited from it greatly.

I believe we all need to understand one another.
We need not be like each another, but just care about and inspire one other.

The world goes round every day and you may never know just how you've touched someone...or how you could touch someone....if you try.
When you move another person, they move someone else.
It's the ripple affect.

I want to be a positive part of that and I want you to be as well!
On Yellow Inspiration's 1st Year Anniversary it became Y.I. 

Born on Blogger and is also now being shared
with readers on Wordpress where comments may be easier for some readers to post.
I would like you to share your 'Y's.

What makes you:
act kindly
have patience
give your time to others
smile at strangers
call a friend
make a special meal

What do you do and Why do you do it?
I will start by telling you Y.I. Forgive...

Because it makes me feel better 
and gives me back the time in my life that I'd otherwise 
be wasting on someone else when thinking angry thoughts about them...

Please share your Y.I. on Wednesdays so we can pass it on to others.