Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Thank You

It was not what they planned...

But a risk they were willing to take.

...For the freedom of you and I.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the men and women who have served this country and lost their lives in the process.

And Thank You to all of the men and women still serving today.

We are ever so grateful for your continued dedication and sacrifice.

The American people will forever be in your debt.


Friday, May 27, 2011

I Park Like an Idiot

I would actually like to think that I do NOT park like an idiot.

  1. I have never parked diagonally in the hopes of preventing other drivers from opening their car doors into my car (I have the dents to prove it).
  2. I have never illegally parked in a handicap spot.
  3. I have never taken up two parking spots in a parking lot (unless of course I was pulling a trailer).
  4. I have never parked my car in a tree (well at least not on purpose).
  5. I have never parked so close to someone that they could not open their door enough to get into their car.
  6. I have never tried passing a stopped school bus with it's lights on, and ripped a hole down the side of my vehicle (which someone in our neighborhood did this spring)...
Okay, so the last guy wasn't exactly parking....but it was worth the mention.

Check out this link of people who (apparently) park like idiots:
Picture from
I am not completely sure that these bumper stickers are truly for sale, but boy let me say that they look like something worth keeping in my car for those people who don't know how to park.

Happy Friday!



Wednesday, May 25, 2011

One of My Most Disliked Quotes

On Monday I shared one of my most favorite quotes.

It was a long one, but I love it, and I try hard to live by it.

But, there is one quote that I am not always a fan of...

It's this one: 

Grrrrr.... this statement always gets me.


Because it's true!

The quote blatantly states that if i think I'm not going to do something...

I'm not.

And every time I remember this statement I tend to want to to try harder.

So, it urks me- but I like it. Sounds weird-but think about it.

Working hard and accomplishing something that you didn't think you could do, leaves you with a great feeling.

But, there are those times when you just know there is an easy way out and you're tempted to choose it.

You know the type I mean...

The road where you will not meet fears or challenges and no elbow grease is needed...which inevitably will lead you down the path to 'Your Comfort Zone'?

(Yes, I knew you'd remember...)

There are so many times in our lives when we think we cannot accomplish something. We imagine the work that it will take to get somewhere- and we think it will be so unbearable that we just cannot stand to even think about it.

Instead, we choose the easy road and call it quits early on.


Because it's easy to justify...

We can always find a million, or more, reasons why we should just:
  1. Forget about it
  2. Let it go
  3. Not worry about it today
  4. Wait until next time

But what I have noticed with myself is that if I just say this simple phrase (the one I dislike), it will give me just a bit more of a push and I will realize that I CAN DO IT!

It's almost as if it spurs a little healthy competition with myself. (Don't tell Me I cannot do something!)

It's similar to the story of The Little Engine That Could. (I know we allllll remember THAT story.)
Can You?
Sometimes we can make tasks seem so monstrous, but if we push ourselves to try just a little harder...think a little more positive...and work just a little longer.....



If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you are dare not, you don't;
If you'd like to win, but you think you can't;
It's almost certain you won't.

If you think you'll lose, you've lost;
For out in the world you'll find;
Success begins with a fellow's will;
It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are;
You've got to think high to rise;
You've got to be sure of yourself before
you can ever win a prize.

Life's battles don't always go;
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later the man who wins;
Is the man who thinks he can.

- -Anonymous

I think you can, I think you can, I think you can...


Monday, May 23, 2011

One of My Favorite Quotes

To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) American Essayist & Poet

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cannon Ball Run or Geocaching Anyone?

In the early 80’s Burt Reynolds starred in a movie called Cannonball Run.

Fast and Funny, this movie was very popular. The object of the game was to race the streets in fast cars; the first one to the end (and solving the clues) won a pot of money.

The movie was so popular, in fact, I think some kids from my senior class decided to make up their own Cannonball Run. It was Illegal and I don’t believe it turned out very well.

But, if this type of adventure interests you, there is good news!  

You can do it legally!

See World Cannonball Run:

The U.S. dates for the Cannonball Run Rat Race are set for Sept. 3, 2011 in New York City's Central Park and will end about 3,000 miles away in Southern California on Sept. 9 or 10, 2011.’(Quoted from the site listed below) 

The Rat Race ’11
‘Drivers and their machines will roll out of Central Park, New York – 3rd September, 2011. Drivers will be handed Mission Packs along with a key. This key will gain you access to a hidden locker on the West Coast. Mission packs containing clues will navigate drivers across the country. [...]’ (Quoted from the site below)

So if you have a fast car and like scavenger hunts here’s an event for you!
Maybe you could win some money! (Though there is an entry fee - the pot, I’m sure, is huge.)

Now, if you don’t like driving fast but enjoy thinking fast, try Geocaching!
I just learned about this myself and it sounds quite fun. I know somebody who does this every year and they love it!   

You can travel anywhere, seeing the sites while using your GPS to search for things people hide.

Check out Geocaching  at:

(Also, some Geocachers around the world enjoy doing good for the environment with Cache In Trash Out.)
Check it out here:

Either way, these two events tell me that no matter how grown-up we grown-ups are supposed to be, in the end we still like to have fun!



Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Self-Esteem So Simple, It's Childs Play

How many people do you know have great self esteem?

I know several and they are very happy people.
They are fair, kind and always giving.

On the other hand, I also know a few people who really don’t have any self esteem at all. 

They don’t particularly like themselves very much. They are mean, condescending and very competitive. They love to challenge that you are, and tell you what to do but can never figure out who they are or take care of their business. 

They’re hard to be friends with.

And they’re sort of like bullies. 

Bullies bully because they are trying to gain a sense of self-worth. And always trying
to accomplish it by using short-cuts.

They enjoy trying to make people feel bad so that they may feel better.

A bully comes in all shapes and sizes, and contrary to popular belief, bullies aren’t just kids.

They can be adults as well.

A bully is just feeding a monster. One that will never be satisfied.
And no matter what they do, it will never be enough, because self respect and self esteem come from the inside.

It is about who you are; not what you have, who you know, how much you make or what you’ve accomplished over others.

In such a materialistic, commercialized America and in a celebrity obsessed society, it's easy to see how hard it might be to grow up understanding what truly matters. In this day and age it’s hard not to think about what we have or don't have...

But imagine a natural disaster came-and it wiped out everything you owned…

Would you know who you were?

And more importantly would you like yourself?

In a time where it’s getting harder and harder to afford the extras and job losses are at an astronomical high, people everywhere have been forced to sit back and take stock of what really matters. They are seeing that who they are is not about what they have.

Here is a website someone suggested to me. The video on the home page is a great one.

This site is meant for parents and children. The philosophies seem to support this: 

  • Do what’s right
  • Treat others kindly
  • Treat people how you would like to be treated

Such a simple philosophy.
But yet, is so difficult for some to put into practice.

I like this quote I saw taped to the principal’s desk at my child’s school:

'Will someone else's life be brighter tomorrow because of what you have done today?' 
           -William Arthur Ward

Be kind to someone today... just because....

Believe it or not it will increase your self-esteem.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Get Motivated Now!

A Bill Cosby says, 'Get up! Do It!'

Last week I attended the Get Motivated Conference in downtown Cleveland and it was amazing!

I am a self help guru for sure and I imagine that most people who attended the seminar are similar to me; I can’t get enough of absorbing motivational feedback. We could all use a little pep talk now and then– no matter what stage we are at in life and no matter what we are trying to accomplish.

Truth be told, we cannot do it alone either. That is why there are things like this event to go to where people, who started out just like you and I share what they learned along the way…likewise there are books and audio tapes, TV Shows like Oprah and the Biggest Loser to encourage us.

During the conference I had an opportunity to hear from several different people about what they thought I should know. I would like to share some of what I got out of it.

Twelve Things I Learned From Get Motivated:
1)      Your Drive Determines Your Destiny
2)      We All Have Amazing Ideas (But most of us do nothing with them)
3)      Don’t Be a Victim! (Quit Waiting to Be Rescued.  
4)      Do Right  (Do everything to the best of your ability and always show people you care)
5)      You have 2 Choices in Life: Stay down or pick yourself up
6)      Don’t Let People Who Don’t Care About You Ruin Your Day-Lou Holtz
7)      Take Risks (You may regret what you do, but you will surely regret what you don’t do more.)
8)      In Life You Need a Plan: If you don’t have one, you are merely a Fan (not a Player in the game of life)
9)      God Puts People on The Planet for You to Bless Them
10)   Invest as Much into Your Mind As You Do In Your Car Yearly
11)   Have Goals!
12)  You are Rich Without Fame, Fortune and Stuff (I knew this already but wanted to share it;)

5 Questions to ask yourself:
1)      If you didn’t go to work tomorrow, didn’t come home who would miss you? Think about how special you are
2)      What are your goals?
3)      Who is your role model?
4)      Do you see opportunity?
5)      Are we creating a sense of disruption around us from fears and insecurities?

Something to tell yourself: Winners are not whiners.


Friday, May 13, 2011

 Failure is not the crime - low aim is.
-John Wooden

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Does Motivation Work? - Not Always...

Some people say that motivation is unsuccessful. Claiming it’s just a bunch of  pep-rally, mumbo jumbo.
There are people who think ‘The Secret’ has something to do with Voo-doo and that Tony Robbins is taking too much speed.

I personally do not believe these two statements, but I do think motivational tools can be useless.

Because no one can make you do something

You know that saying, ‘you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink it’?

Well, people need to want to be motivatedfor them to actually do something more than they are today.

Without desire, motivation is nothing. (It’s a whisper. It won't move you.)

I am attending the Get Motivated Conference in downtown Cleveland today and I have been looking forward to this for a while.

I have been to several events like this one and the one that stands out in my mind the most is actually a Tony Robbins seminar. 

I am hoping that I am as inspired and energized and the power in the room today is as amazing!

It won’t be Tony, but there will some amazing speakers with tons of experiences to share (both successes and failures). There will also be thousands of enthusiastic people coming together for the same reasons- they are looking for motivation. They WANT it.

They would like an extra spark of thought and creativity. A re-lighting of their fire.

Most people looking to be inspired are already on a journey...they just need a little push.

Inspiration and motivation kind of work like bumper cars.
They come along just bump you a  foot or two forward.

You were already on the road you wanted to be on, and it has and always will be your own, but a little motivation just helps get you there faster.

It doesn't matter who you are, what you do or how much drive you have already, we are all human, and could use an extra hand now and again; to keep us going.

'Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal-a commitment to excellence-that will enable you to attain the success you seek.'
    - Mario Andretti


Monday, May 9, 2011

What's Inspiring Me This Week

I am inspired by reading books, especially those written by leaders.

The most recent leadership book I started reading is ‘The Mentor Leader’ by Tony Dungy. 
Tony Dungy was the first NFL head coach to defeat all 32 NFL teams and he was the first African-American head coach to win the Super Bowl, just to name a couple.

He is the author of two other motivational books and two children's books.

In this book so far, Tony is discussing the difference between a Mentor Leaders and  a typical leader.

He talks about how the focus and goals of the Mentor Leader are quite different from other leaders and I  already admire Mentor Leaders because I can respect them.

Mentor Leaders are team players who lead by mentoring and by lifting everyone up around them.
They pay more attention to the people than they do the bottom line.

From what I understand, a Mentor Leader wants everyone they come in contact with to be better and stronger, and successful at reaching their goals.

Wow, what a week this will be...
I am reading this fantastic book and then I attending the Motivational Conference in Cleveland this Wednesday! I don’t think I will be able to sleep for months after this!
(I remember what it was like attending a Tony Robbins event.I received enough energy to last me for years….I think this week might be have the same results and I could really use it!)

I will keep you posted on what I learn at the conference and what else I gain from Tony’s book!
(If you have not visited Tony Dungy’s Blog – I have it listed on my Family Matters Blog - So check it out!)

 'People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily.'-Zig Ziglar

Here is a link to Amazon to review ‘The Mentor Leader’: 

Here's  Tony Dungy's website link:

If you are interested in attending the Motivational Conference on Wednesday, May 11th 2011, click here:

If you can't make it to Cleveland for Wednesday’s Conference? Click here for other dates/locations:

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to All of the TV Moms in the World!

Celebrate TV Mom's by:

Learning how the role of a mother has changed over the decades via TV.

Taking this TV-Mom Trivia!

Sending an E-Card if you haven't gotten your mom a card yet.(oops)



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Friend or Un-Friend

On Facebook, as in real-life, it is sometimes necessary to Un-Friend someone.

It happens. Occasionally, a friend who you thought you knew turns out to be someone you didn’t expect them to be.

In life it’s a bit harder to Un-Friend someone, but my question is: Why do people do it?

I guess there are probably times when you Friended them, or they Friended you and it was too soon in the relationship to be Friends

Now that you feel like you know them better, you don’t like really like them anymore. Or maybe it’s an ex-boyfriend, (which I found out today you are supposed to Un-friend immediately-oops). 

I am sure there are tons of reasons for Un-friending somebody but I wonder if it happens because some people are concerned with having as many friends as possible, regardless of who they are or if they share similar interests and beliefs. 

Then they end up with Friends they don’t really know or even like...
(Correct me if I am wrong, if I say you are my ‘Friend’ doesn’t that mean that I have to at least like you?)


I’m left to assume they must be striving for Friend quantity rather than Friend quality.

Maybe it’s about some people choosing to act differently when you first start talking to them.

You meet someone new, or it’s someone you knew in the past and are meeting them again; the conversation seems nice, they seem nice but then you talk a few more times after that and the more you get to know them they seem to change

You eventually wonder who this person is. 

Usually, it’s not them changing, it’s the Real Them….it just took them a while to come out.

If that happens, no worries, FB makes it as easy to Un-Friend them, as it was to Friend them.

Just go to your Friends list, click edit friends and all of your ‘friends’ will be laid out in front of you (who are all completely unaware of what you are about to do- by the way)

Then, by clicking the little blue X next to their name you officially ‘remove’ them as your Friend

Now - they no longer exist.

Well, that is not entirely true. They do exist, just not in your FB World.

Honestly, I’d have to say that my  #1 reason to Un-Friend someone on FB (yes, I have done this) is because they do not sensor what they post and are either too crude or too judgmental and I don’t think that my friends and family would appreciate the lack of respect.

My wall is not for them to post their insulting or cruel thoughts. (Yes, Freedom of Speech, I get it, but really? It's just not neccessary.)

So, if you all of a sudden are no longer my Friend on FB -I guess you'll know why;)

*To all of my True Friends: 
I am blessed to know you and I know you are genuine and I respect you for being yourself. I appreciate you! (And sorry for any icky stuff you had to endure on my wall written by disrespectful Friends – that sounds like an oxy-moron..)

**A note to my future-potential-Un-Friends: If you Un-friend me or plan on Un-friending me in the near future, I would like to say thank you! 

I would rather you be honest and Un-friend me than pretend to Friend (like) me.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Everyone Loves a Good Video

Fear is a state of mind.-Napoleon Hill

Watch this video and feel inspired:

If you’re not conquering self, you will be conquered by self.-Napoleon Hill
